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In Chinese, the word "Feng" means air or wind, and the word "Shui" means water. The metaphysical practice of Feng Shui originated in the China thousands of years ago. Like gravity, it affects everyone. Feng Shui is part of nature. It is the understanding that your immediate interior and exterior surroundings can have a predictable influence on you. Feng Shui is a system for determining how both seen and unseen aspects to your environment can influence your health, your mental and emotional states, and your financial potential.
Some of the most common golden rules for good luck as per Feng Shui are :-
Aquarium with goldfish.
Curtains for good luck.
No mirrors in the bedroom.
Keep toilet doors, always closed.
Front door should not face a toilet.
Front door to be free of obstruction.
No obstruction outside your main door.
Avoid display scenes of war and violence.
Agarbattis for cleansing negative energy.
Happy family photo for good relationship.
Avoid cactus and bonsai, keep jade plants.
Crystals in ‘North East’ for education luck.
Throw out dead flowers or plants as they have lost their vitality.
Always position your bed, desk, and stove to have a clear view of the door.
The entry of your home or office should be open and inviting, trim away foliage that may be blocking the path of Chi.
Never sleep with a beam over your bed or put a shelf over it or your desk. Your world could fall down on you at any moment.
Remember your Chi it is your inner-personal development, desire, and love of life that will help maximize positive results.
Where natural light is not readily available, especially in corridors and entry vestibules, make sure they are well illuminated.
Bathroom doors should be kept shut, with toilet seats down, to prevent Chi, opportunity, wealth, and happiness from being flushed.
Make sure that all of the five traditional elements (fire, wood, metal, earth and water) are included in your design for energetic / emotional and decorative balance.
Avoid sharp pointed buildings, wall corners, furniture or accessories pointed directly at your house, bed or desk. It is reminiscent of a cutting knife-edge or a disapproving finger.
Always use your intuition before making changes, consider first how it affects the rest of your decor. Do not just use traditional rules such as painting your front door red, it would cause disharmony if your home was peach or rose.
The principal and upper executives' offices should be located in the command areas of the office, while giving employees and clients accessibility. Everyone will benefit because the entire office will feel as if it is one body, the sum of all the functions harmoniously working towards the main objective.
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