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Power Of Attorney

By this power of attorney, I am

Shri. ---------------------------------------

Age. --------------------------------Years

Occupation. --------------------------------

R/o, -----------------------------------------

Shrimati. -------------------------------------

Age. -------------------------------------Years

Occupation. ----------------------------------

R/o, --------------------------------------------

As my attorney in my name for me and on my body to do and execute all or any of the following acts, deeds and thing that is to say :-

To demand, collect and receive and give effectual discharge of in my name for me and on my behalf of all debts, advances and claims are to me all lawful preceeding and means of recovering realizing and receiving said debts, advances and claims and to commence or carry on and to prosecute or defend at law all actions, suits,demands and disputes and to refer them to arbitration and to compromise them and for all or any of the said purposes to do and execute such instruments, deeds or things as shall be necessary or expedient.

To borrow from time to time such sums of money and upon such terms as the said attorney may think fit upon the security if any of my properties whether movable or immovable and for such purpose to execute such document or documents and may be necessary for securing the repayment of such loan for loans.

To sell, exchange, surrender, lease or dispose of any building, land or other property belonging to me now or hereafter or held by me & to transfer release any mortgage, or also to execute any powers of safe or other powers under any such mortgagers or charges or otherwise to realize or obtain the benefit thereof in such manner as may be necessary or expedient.

To invest any of my moneys upon such investment as my attorney may in his absolute discretion think fit & proper from time to time, to vary investments and pending investment or otherwise to deposit any of my moneys at any bank or banks.

To draw, accept, endorse, negotiate, retire, pay or otherwise deal with any bill of exchange, promissory note, cheques, or other negotiable instrument which my said attorney deem fit and proper.

To operate any banking account whether in my name or opened by him, to issue cheques, and to otherwise deal with my accounts, current , saving, bank or fixed deposit of any other kind.

To give any lease, agreement to sale or transfer in regard to any property to any portion thereof and to demand, sue for and collect and receive and given effect discharges for rents and profits now due or which may hereafter become due and to take all lawful proceedings for recovering the said rents and for enforcing performance of any covenant and agreements whether written or oral and for ejecting the tenants or any other trespasser and for recovering damages from them for non-performance of any covenant or agreement of tenancy or otherwise.

To take property on lease or hire for and on my behalf and to execute the necessary document in favour of the lessor or hire.

To pay all calls upon any shares belonging to me and to vote at any meeting of any company or to sign and execute any proxy for the same.

To appoint and remove and agent, attorney, lawyer or advocate for me in respect of any of the matters respecting my estate, business or dealings which my attorney think fit.

To execute and sign in my name and on my behalf, any document, letter or deed in respect of any licenses of the government department, in respect of any co-operative society housing or otherwise, to bid at any auction or sale or to make any contracts in respect to any business which is being run under my name.

In consideration of the services rendered and concerned interest of the attorney as my beneficiary, this power of attorney shall be IRREVOCABLE. And I, the said Shri.-----------------, hereby agree and undertake to ractify and confirm all and whatsoever my said attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue on this deed. In Witness whereof I have set my hand at Aurangabad in presence of the witnesses on the xx th day of xxxx, 2025 and 2026.

For more details please feel free to contact us.